Linen fabrics

Digital printing - examples of patterns

We offer the option of digital printing on our linen fabrics according to your designs.

Importantly, we can print on fabrics that are already softened, even in the stonewashed version, and pre-shrunk. Printing is available from just a few meters.

We print fabrics in a width of approximately 150 cm, in snow-white, cream, natural, and dyed versions.

For light designs, double-sided printing is also possible.

Printing and fixing the print is the final stage, after which the fabrics cannot be additionally softened. The more surface area is printed, the more ink is used, which can result in a firmer texture.

On darker fabrics, colors may vary slightly from those on a white base.

During the stabilization process, the fabric may gently shrink lengthwise and widthwise, typically by about 3-5%. This shrinkage should be factored into calculations.

We prefer customer's own designs for printing, and printing can start from just a few meters. Of course, we also have our own pattern library.

The attached printing patterns are just selected illustrations.

Instructions for preparing a design for printing are provided below.

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Technical conditions for preparing a design for printing:

  • The repeat size should not exceed 50x50 cm.
  • File format: TIFF.
  • Compression: LZW, image flattened.
  • Resolution: 150 dpi, 1:1 scale, CMYK (other file formats, including RGB profiles, can be printed).

Printing cost:

The final printing cost will depend on:

  • Ink consumption, percentage of the surface filled.
  • Width of the print and the color used.
  • The number of meters for a single print run (starting/ending a print run results in a loss of material, typically 0.5-1 meter). While this is negligible for printing full rolls, it should be considered for short print runs.

In most cases, we suggest:

  • Choosing 1-2 samples of the finished fabric, e.g., softened linen, for testing.
  • Conducting tests on small quantities for evaluation.
  • Based on the results, we will calculate the average ink consumption, print widths, and the profile on which we will print, and then provide a price.

We can do this for both custom designs and those selected from our collection.

Please contact us in each case, and we will provide the necessary technical, pricing, and lead time information.

Phone: +48 728 266 665

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